Le Blitz Poesie
O Jack, Dungeon Master and Poetic Guru,
O D(runk) P(oet) S(ociety) / Creative Writing crew,
O Poets,
O Friends,
Here I cometh to bring you an incredible message :
this year, the Poetry Blitz shall go worldwide.
And you –yes, YOU !– should (will !) partake.
So some of you might be wondering, waddahellizthePoetryBlitz ? !
Answer : a wonder-ful word-vendetta ; a piece of poetic terrorism ; a gansta drive-by shooting of rhymes ; a nocturnal Happening ; a multiple pamphlet for smashing metaphors and silly similes ; a scattered demonstration to shake the comatose morning masses into an explosion of poetry-consciousness !
(Hmmm, I’m getting a little carried away.)
Soooo the great Leader and Designer of this brilliant hymn to poetry and randomness is the world-famous Jack 2 da Ridlllllll, who teaches ‘Creative Writing : Poetry’ at Hope College, MI, USA, and who does it in a pretty damn good way, too. Beyond being the best prof ever, beyond making us push the limits of our little creativity, he also makes his lucky students spread the poetic gospel on 2 da streets (yo) for everyone to enjoy –especially Hope’s hung up administration, who is still trying to come up with a way to put him in jail.
Basically, every year, at night (yay! Night), in the limbo-hours between March 31st and April 1st, faithful to Jack’s appeal, all wannabe-poets roam the campus, putting up 20 poems each (or more), all over the walls, trees, buildings, rooftops, the chapel, cats, in mailboxes, bushes, the President’s flowerpots, etc. etc.
What you get when the sun rises, is a usually dull place waking up to a world of poesie, wondering what the hell happened (“Those beret-ed /caped crazies struck again!”), sometimes actually reading the poems!, anti-poetic nazis ripping them off and dumping them (so sad…), and bigots getting real offended and saving them as proofs for an obscenity trial (hmm that text about masturbation on the Chapel’s door, ahahha).
Anywayz, last year I promised my dear teacher/guru that I would import this funtastic event to France…and this is exactly what I intend to do this Thursday! I already gathered a squad of poetic terrorists(hollaaaaa to the Nantes people on the list), and we’re getting ready to hit the streets of downtown Nantes with an invasion of worldwide poems in French, English, Spanish, whateva, just after March 31st’s open mic poetry slam @ the trendiest spot in Nantes, le Lieu Unique. I’m so excited!
NOW, as I know you’re a bunch of jolly people, I thought you might find it cool to participate. And you don’t even have to come to France! What would be really FAWSOME would be that YOU send me poems via email / suggestions / web links. They can be about anything, in any language, they can come from your own imagination, from your favorite anthology, from your roomate’s trashcan, I don’t care. Me and my crew will print them out and put them up, along with all our own texts. And then on Thursday afternoon, you can imagine us French and American crazy Beatnicks roaming the old, old streets of our antique Fwensh city, putting up YOUR poems at 3am (local time, local color)!
Would not that be sweet? Come on!
DPS, and all the friends who gave me poems: you got no choice, mweheheheh, cuz I still have all your kickass texts here, just need to make some copies :).
Much love,
Vive la Poesie! Vive le Blitz Mondial! Vive Jack Ridl!
p.s: special shout-outs to the 04 and 05 Holland Poetry Blitzers! (will they have dogs and guards in the cafeteria this time??)