Thursday, March 09, 2006

Merlot Colored Bay

Hey everyone,
Please read this and tell me what you hear. I am not sure if I have told the story in an understandable way. Does it make sense? Does it feel natural? If you wnated to know more, what would you ask? If you wanted to know less, what would I take out. Sorry for the typos. I wish I were drunk when I wrote this one.
Matt (Hadji)

The Merlot Colored Bay

Hello? Robert—she didn’t make it, she
Couldn’t keep on, hello? Hello? No,
I am still here. We need you to come
To sit with us, you are most
Important to her, come, please.

And when it was all over, the city
Became an unbearable place,
The spontinaiety, the noise, the contrast
Of lights in the dark part of night
And the anonymitity once enjoyed
Made him a refugee among people
Not in community, not together.

He sold the loft, left work, left the city
and aired out the cottage up North
On the lake, opened windows
to the spring sun and grass
made for croquet and bocce. He repaired
the sailboat, and the neighbor’s boat,
and Henry’s rowboat
received a new coat of varnish, until
The lawn on the west side of the house
Faded to a khaki color from all the boats
Park to receive some nursing, because
That is what he knew how to do.

All through the day men and women
And teenagers came to talk, to sail
And sometimes race,
Then the evenings he spend with a
Manhatten and a glass of white wine
On the love seat
Looking out the veranda onto the
Merlot colored bay.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

call for submissions!!

Alright poets, no time for laziness.

Roosevelt University is starting a brand new online literary/art magazine titled "Michigan Avenue Review". They're seeking submissions for the spring and fall issues, and because this is brand new, your chances of being published are even higher! Plus, I know the professor who is heading this up, and she's pretty cool, so you should send her some cool stuff to read/look at.

Here's the info:

Fiction/Nonfiction/Dramatic Stories: up to 3 pieces, each no longer than 10,000 words. Attachments or hard copies in Microsoft Word format.

Poetry: up to 5 poems. Attachments or hard copies in Microsoft Word format.

Hypertext Stories: up to 3 pieces, each no longer than 10,000 words.

Art/Photography: color or b&w. Jpg, Gif, or Bmp. Minimum resolution 300-600 dpi

Movies: mpeg, avi, wmv, or mov. Wholly original compositions only.

Music: mp3, wholly original compositions only.

And here's the catch... each issue will have a theme. This spring will focus on urban matters. Any creative and provocative work with an urban focis, overtone, flavor, smell, or sprinkle will be considered. This fall's theme is spherical objects. From cheese puffs to atoms, marbles to planets, send your finest spherical work.

Submissions are accepted through March 15th (so get on this!). Responses will be sent via email by May 1st. Email submissions are preferred. No simultaneous submissions. Previously published will be considered, but please include the information of prior publication with submission. Upon publication, Michigan Avenue Review acquires First North American Serial Rights, all other rights remain with the author. No payment, but all published artists will receive a CD-ROM of the issue in which they are published.

Send submissions to:
Michigan Avenue Review
Department of Literature & Languages
Roosevelt University
430 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605
ATTN: Mary Anne Mohanraj, Publisher