Thursday, April 07, 2005

Portraits of the Coffeehouse Patrons

Welcome to The Galley Cafe where the most diverse patronage could establish a community in the place. Conversations happen between complete strangers in ways a typical Starbucks never could. People become friends without ever learning one another's names. This is the "third place."

* A student sits revising a paper with a latte.

* A Greek Orthodox priest sits with a library book and the house blend.

* A woman sits with the morning paper and her cappuchino.

* A builder talks through a project with a client and a light breakfast and what smells like hazelnut.
* Two Thai business people dressed entirely in black get lattes to go.
* The group of men who meet every Thursday drink French Roast and tease the man who drinks decalf as they grip about the direction America's youth are taking the country. If only they could be in office.
* A former resident is back in town, drinking outside, smoking.


Blogger KTB said...

geez, where do i sign up. sounds heavenly to me.

11:26 PM | Permalink  
Blogger Matt said...

Sign up at

9:08 AM | Permalink  
Blogger KTB said...

karen and i SO need to come visit you.

10:00 AM | Permalink  

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